Dear Readers,
Now a days, the time to reach from point A to point B has been reduced significantly. with the technology expand aircraft are getting bigger yet at the same time eco-friendly. So what does the future aircraft has to offer, as the volume of air travelers are growing airline industry players are now looking for other method to travel faster as well as pollution free, when we say pollution free, meaning noise as well as environmental pollution free aircraft.
According to a report from the Business Insider, NASA has been taking the role in challenging the airline industry to produce a more eco-friendly, quieter as well as more fuel efficient type of passenger aircraft. To kick start this initiative NASA has awarded 3 key players to study and test their design for the year 2030. If this program is a success these conceptual aircraft should hit the skies as early as 2025.
If this research and test has accomplished it key objectives, Then we will be able to see these aircraft flying over our heads without knowing they are really there...
Ready to see what does the airline industry has in their designed shelf?
Here are the designs concept....
A "boxed-wing" design from Lockheed Martin increases fuel efficiency.
Advanced Model for Extreme Lift and Improved Aeroacoustics cuts down on takeoff and landing times.
Boeing's design features two vertical tails next to turbofan engines to reduce noise pollution. Long-span wings improve fuel-efficiency. |
Boeing's green aircraft design uses a combination of gas and battery technology.
Lockheed Martin hopes to introduce civil supersonic flight with new technologies to quiet the level of sonic boom (which currently prevents over-land flight).
Lockheed Martin makes supersonic flight over land possible through an "inverted V" engine-under wing design that reduces the level of sonic boom.
Lockheed Martin uses a lightweight box-wing design. Its engine has a bypass ratio (the flow of air around the engine compared to through the engine) almost five times greater than current engines.
North Grumman's "flying wing" aircraft would carry cargo first, and then passengers.
The "Icon II" design by Boeing meets target noise levels to make supersonic flight over land feasible.
The Silent Efficient Low Emissions Commercial Transport, or SELECT, from Northrop Grumman can carry 120 passengers at Mach .75.
This concept by North Grumman incorporates features of military aircraft into conventional aircraft design. The engines are tucked into the top of the wings to reduce noise.
I wonder how would the european airline industry player have in mind for their future aircraft concept..
News Source :
Image source : NASA/Cal Poly, NASA/Lockheed Martin, NASA/Boeing, NASA/Northrop Grumman
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